Love for a lifetime

Love for a lifetime

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Happy first day of Kindergarten, Ellie Kate!

"This is my first day of kindergarten. I'm so excited because my mommy is home-schooling me"
-Ellie Kate

"We are going to learn and have so much fun and be silly!"- Ellie Kate

                                              {Ellie Kate's Notebook}                                                                           

"This is Queen Esther, She trusted God, and cared for other's. She was very courageous and beautiful."- Ellie Kate 

"Can I practice writing on your board, mommy?."- Ellie Kate

{B is for Bumble Bee}

{D is for Daddy}

"Thank you for home schooling me mommy. You were right, this is so much fun!"- Ellie Kate


  1. Jennifer,
    I just about cried when I read this. Her first quote up at the top just melted my heart. When you start to doubt yourself throughout this school year, and you will, come back and read her little quotes. They will remind you of what is important.
    Have a great second day!! Love you tons!!

  2. Dawn, I was thinking yay no tears for me for ek's first day of kindergarten bc I'm home schooling. Then as we wrapped up day one in the book of Esther, we prayed together. The prayer that came out of her mouth was unbelievable. She spoke to God like had been speaking to him for over a decade. She praised him then thanked Him for his goodness, for home school and for her mommy, daddy and brother. I couldn't help but cry. My heart was overwhelmed with thanksgiving at how faithful and great God has been to us and how he has continued to bless us through our children! I'm sure I'll visit this post often throughout the year!!:-) dawn, thank you for always encouraging me. It means more than you'll ever know! Love you!!
