Love for a lifetime

Love for a lifetime

Friday, August 17, 2012

Bold Prayers.

"Normal people play it safe, weird people risk it all"
Four points for taking risks:
1. Desperation is the catalyst for great faith.
2. Sometimes we don't see God move until we move.
3. Our job is to obey. God is in charge of the results.
4. The greater the risk. The better the story.
-Clayton King

You know when you're sitting in church and the pastor says "what is God asking you to do?"
Well a few months ago I was sitting in church and after an awesome sermon on 2 kings in our 'weird' series at church, Clayton King asked, "What risk is God asking you to take?"
Immediately, the holy spirit placed something on my heart. *GULP*
No joke, this is what played out in my mind for a minute: What?! Haha, thats funny God ( I think I may have even let out a little chuckle under my breath)...wait...OH geez this is for real. Okay Lord, If i'm going to do this you have some major work to do in preparing me over the next few months.
Do I have to get the really weird one? I mean, can't I just go on a mission trip next year or something?
Holy spirit: "Yes, I want you to do that too."
Me: Oh. okay? Are you sure because um..nevermind. YES LORD.
So what is this other risk I've decided to take?
Well with the support of my husband and as an act of obedience to our Lord, we are going to home school! That's right home school.
Why? Because I have to be obedient to something my heavenly father has placed on my heart.
Why is it a risk? Well, because my daughter's education is now in my hands. That is a huge risk and responsibility!
What if I fail? And with all these health issues, what if I'm not physically able. Those were a couple of the questions I had during my relentless hours of prayer over this. But God reminded me countless times that He honors our obedience to Him and that through Him all things are possible. He also reminded me to be a *risk taker* A risk like this requires great faith. It will only make me more desperate for His hand in my life; and make me rely heavily on Him. Remember, desperation is the catalyst for great faith! 
I have to say, there was no doubt God's hand was in this. That Monday morning following Clayton King's sermon, things had already begun to fall into place. God is awesome like that!
I knew God was going to make this work. As I continued to seek His will in the minor details, everything continued to fall right into place. For every prayer over this, He answered it almost immediately.
It is amazing to see the Lord's faithfulness and hand in our lives as Stephen and I choose to be obedient.
Please pray for us as we continue in our obedience with home school. We know God is in charge of the results but we also know we are going to have to work hard!
I love this quote from the Circle maker by Mark Batterson- "Pray like it depends on God, work like it depends on you"
I want to please the Lord and not only do this job but do it well; because in the end, its all for HIM!

"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving." Colossians 3:23-24

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