Love for a lifetime

Love for a lifetime

Saturday, March 5, 2016

A colorful life.

I have prayed over his sweet little face relentlessly this past week and will keep praying. I pray over all of my children after they fall asleep, but there are times when you know one of your kids is struggling really hard and that the struggle isn't going to let up anytime you take what you believe in 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 and you apply it to your life and your children's lives. You learn to let go of worry and you rejoice in the things that make your children special and unique. 

I found this quote when I was reading last night. It made me laugh, but it was also so encouraging to me. It said, "In fact, I don't really understand why it's considered normal to stare at someone's eyeballs." -John Robinson

It reminded me just how blessed I am that God gave me such a bright, colorful, precious boy who is A-ok beating to his own drum, not always giving direct eye contact, and who reminds me everyday that living outside the box is always in season.❤️ 

To the Mom of a colorful child- 
Your child is so special. 
He is loved. 
You are loved.
Every day is treasured and you soak up every moment full of fun and laughter; but every day is also really hard and you never know what is coming at you next.
And that's okay. 
That's what makes him so colorful,and full of life. 
I know, you pray that today is going to go without the anxiety or the next outburst. It doesn't. 
It shows up at your doorstep day in and day out. 
It's the day the socks don't feel like socks because of the "needle skin" on his feet. It's the long drawn out bedtime where you spend 45 min to make sure the covers touch both edges of the bed just right. The day you get the school interim that says he's not mastering the skills quite like he should be.. The day you pray the play date goes as planned per your "colorful child", because anything gone awry could be completely devastating. The day a little scrape on his elbow feels like an arm that's been cut off. 
The day you wonder if he'll look at you directly or avoid eye contact at all cost. 
It's okay. 
You are a good mother.  It's not your fault...Or your child's. 
Your child is bright and super intelligent. You are doing your best and so is he. 
Today is the day you'll let it go, embrace who God created him to be and appreciate the fact that God chose you to be his mother and gave you this life because you're strong enough live it. Be brave, Mom. Trust the lord and rejoice always, but most of all don't forget to pray continually. 
Much love, 
Mama to a colorful child. 

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