My mother taught me all these things
And now I’m teaching you,
So here they are sweet, little girl,
In a poem just for you-
I taught you how to clap your hands,
And the game of peek-a-boo.
You wiggled your toes and laughed,
And then began to coo.
I taught you words like Mama,
And how the cow says moo.
How I’ll always love you,
And that Daddy loves you too.
I taught you how to jump and dance,
your 1,2,3’s and A,B,C’s;
About telling someone thank you,
And always saying please.
I taught you how to say your prayers,
About God’s grace, and how He cares;
About Showing others kindness
And how you’re supposed to share.
Everything I taught you,
I taught you so you’d know-
The love a mother shares and gives
Forever in you lives.
I’ve so much more to teach you
About beauty and self-worth.
And someday soon you’ll understand
They can’t be found on earth.
I’ve so much more to teach you
About life and love and God;
About all the things that mold you
And make you who you are.
One more thing I’ll teach you,
By my example you’ll see-
The joys of being a Mother
Come from more than you and me.