Love for a lifetime

Love for a lifetime

Monday, September 1, 2014


When I started this blog I wanted to use it as a place to open up and share my heart with my readers. I wanted it to be a place where others could be encouraged and feel connected. I hope that's what you find here. 

Ernest Hemingway said, "Write hard and clear about what hurts."
Red Smith said, “Writing is easy, you just sit down at a typewriter, open up a vein, and bleed it out drop by drop.”
As I sat down to journal several nights ago those two quotes never rang more true to my tired mind. Writing from the depths of one's soul is hard; and even though I was writing for my eyes only, it didn't change the fact that I had to open up the deepest parts of me and face everything head on.
I opened my veins and poured my blood out through my pen. After a while those emotions and doubts that were running through me like a stampede of wild elephants ceased and all I could think was, "My God, YOU make me brave."
I let my mind wander off for a bit to how much I love taking walks with my kids. When we go, I always go before them to make sure the path is clear before they tread it. As their mommy I desire to protect them, guide them and lead them. 
Sometimes, when I'm going through things and I'm called to be brave as I trust the road he’s asked me to walk, I have to remind myself that Christ has that same desire for me and he has done the same for me- he's done the same for all of us. 
He goes before us. He will be with us. 
"The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." Deuteronomy 31:8
Whatever path he's asked me to take or whatever road I am on, he's already tread. He went before me, He made a way, and he will use it for His glory. 
“We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain, where our forerunner, Jesus, has entered on our behalf.” 
Hebrews 6:19-20
He makes me brave and even when I can’t fully trust in my own strength- I can trust fully in him. 


  1. I have a dear older friend who always said, "God is just so PREVIOUS!!"
    I loved that!!

  2. So true. Love your thoughts here. Doesn't being a mama shed so much more light on our sweet Jesus? I scrolled down and read your thoughts on Robin Williams too... I sit in total agreement with you there. Jumped over from the weigands- glad to discover you! ~Sarah @

    1. Thank you Sarah. I agree 100% that our children shed a whole new light on Jesus. With each child my faith grew deeper and so did my intamacy with my savior! So glad you stopped by and shared your thoughts!
