Love for a lifetime

Love for a lifetime

Friday, November 28, 2014

The big snowman.

Every year for as long as I remember, my Mom and Dad have taken me to 'the big snowman' on lady's island to get a Christmas tree. They made it a tradition for me and that tradition is being carried on through my children. 
I reminisced when I caught a glimpse of the kids weaving in and out of the trees, giggling, and chasing each other while playing hide and seek. I couldn't help but feel nostalgic for the days of my childhood. 
I watched while they made sweet memories together. The kind of memories that warm your heart; The one's that money can't buy. 

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and made lots of memories! 

Thursday, November 20, 2014

My ministry.

I hear it countless times a day. 
It's the one thing I knew I wanted to be when I grew up. 
When I looked at my future I never really had a picture in my mind of what motherhood would look like for me but I knew that's what I wanted. 
When I was a young teenager aside from being a mommy I also wanted to be in the ministry in some way. 
I served at summer camps, volunteered for VBS, taught GA's and sunday school at my mom's church.  After I graduated highschool I served alongside others in youth ministry until 2005.
I served my last youth group in October of 2005. 
I thought my days of "full-time" ministry were over, but what I didn't realize is that it was far from over. 
I became a mommy in 2006 to Ellie Kate. 

And a mommy to this little firecracker, Jude in 2010. 

This. Is. My. Ministry.
These two precious little one's are my ministry, and ministry has never been more important to me. 
To teach my kids the gospel and to show them a love like Jesus is the most important thing I can do in their fragile little lives. 
I read this quote recently,
"I have learned that I will not change the world. Jesus will do that. I can, however, change the world for one person. So I keep stopping and loving one person at a time. Because this is my call as a Christian." -Katie Davis
This really hit home for me not only as a Christian, but as a mom. 
As a mom I have a lot of great days, but a lot of bad ones too. I'm not always the perfect, sweet little mom I desire to be, but it's usually on those days that God meets me where I am and uses my failures to show Ellie Kate and Jude what grace is all about. 
And so I keep stopping, in the good and bad moments of motherhood and loving on each of my children, one at a time. Because this is not just my call as a christian; this is my call as a mother.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014


"And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up." Galatians 6:9

I have been blessed with a family who gives selflessly to others. I do believe this is one instance where I'm unable to put into words how extremely thankful I am to call my family mine. 

My Dad's parents came down Saturday evening to keep Jude and Hayden so that Ryan and I would be able to attend a celebration in honor of my Mom's father/My grandfather, J.L. Goodwin and another gentleman, Mr. Willie Coker. 
These two men were honored because of the character, integrity, respect and honor they maintained while serving others. They both received a document signed by our Governor Nikki Haley as well as a plaque. . 

While I sat and listened to several people speak about my Grandfather Goodwin, I was encouraged. 
My favorite speech of the night was hearing my grandfather's friend Jim tell about the life-long friendship between his wife and my Grandmother. He made it quite obvious how vital their ''proverbs 31" wives were and continue to be in their successes. 
I have heard my Grandfather say the same thing so many times.

There have been so many countless ways my Grandfather has served others because he saw a need and was able to provide help. He didn't want any credit for it or to be noticed. He served these people and gave because that is his character. 
He see's what needs to be done and he does it. No questions asked.
He displays what a real man of God looks like. 
He has taught me so much in my much about life and faith.
He has always provided an example of great leadership and shown me how to serve my family and others. 
He instilled in me perseverance, steadfastness and how to be strong in the midst of crisis. He has set an example of being a victor not a victim. How to take what life throws at you, use it as a learning experience and move forward.

I hope I'm able to pass all of these things down to my kids.


I see so much of my Grandfather in Ellie Kate. She is strong-willed, a high achiever and has a true concern for others. She is a giver. 
Today I attended her school to watch her walk across the stage and receive a terrific kid award. I heard so many of the same words used for her that I heard used in reference to my Grandfather. My heart was bursting with gladness because I know that she is going to achieve great things..just like her great-grandfather.
I am so proud of both of them and even more proud to call them mine!


Friday, November 14, 2014

Beautiful things.

Beautiful things don't ask for attention. 

I saw this quote and it hasn't stopped replaying in my mind. 
So many thoughts dance around in my head when I consider this quote, 
but the main thought is this: 
Beautiful things don't ask for attention because they don't have to. They just are.
Beautiful things can be seen and felt all around us. Whether it's the way a woman mothers her child(ren) and/or cares for others, a piece of art, a flower growing in an odd place or the picture of grace and mercy in an undeserving life.
Beautiful things don't ask for attention...we are drawn to them like a moth to a flame. The very essence of beauty captivates us and in some way consumes us in a moments notice. 

I think we could agree that we all love looking at beautiful things- tangible or intangible. 
Beauty touches us emotionally, gives pleasure to our senses, and awakens our soul.

I've had a lot of blogger friends who choose a 'word' for the year. I've done this once before but never really stuck with it.
I don't know that this will necessarily be my 'word for the year' but for now I'm focusing on the word Beauty.
I want to seek out beauty all around me and let it consume me. I want to illuminate a beauty that comes from within.
I love 1 Peter 3 but as I focus on Beauty I want to embrace 1 Peter 3:3-4 which says,
"3 Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight."

This part of the verse stood out to me mainly because it's of great worth in God's sight-
"the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit...",

but also because it's gives clarity,

"beautiful things don't ask for attention."

Have a wonderful weekend friends!

Below are a few photos of things that remind me of beautiful things I've seen.