Then there are those days when I have time to write in my journal. Times where I'm able to let go and write with all of my heart. No agenda. No topic. Nothing but my pen, a blank paper and the depths of my heart and soul.
What I find in these moments are rest for my weary, tired being.
I was able to write like this recently.
This is where I landed.
I don't take kindly to resting well. I like to be moving, serving my family, and working with my hands. My mind is always going back and forth with ideas and thoughts, dreams and plans...But somewhere over the last week or so I felt like I crashed. My body ached and I felt like I'd hit a brick wall. Actually, I felt like one landed on top of me. My mind wouldn't stop and my head pounded.
When I finished journaling all that I could hear left over from the ruckus in my head was Psalm 46:10,
"Be still and know that I am God..."
He's the one in whom all things hold together.
It finally dawned on me that:
1-It's ok to rest when I feel weary, weak and tired. God sees that as a means to give us strength in and through Him.
2-It's also ok to rest because I'm not always in control and the outcome is not always a result of my "busy"ness. It's Him- Always has been. Always will be.
3-He calls us to rest in Him. He says we are blessed when we come to Him this way.
When we come with nothing left to give, it makes more room for Him.
When there's more room for Him, our lives become a picture of who He is and His purposes are fulfilled.