Love for a lifetime

Love for a lifetime

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

O-H-I-O...and a little bit of Pittsburgh.

I mentioned several blog posts ago that the next thing up on the blog would be pictures from our Ohio trip.. Well here we are weeks later and I'm just getting around to it. It's ok though. That's just how it works sometimes right? We make plans or dream up things then real life happens and we learn to adjust accordingly. 

Im actually glad it took a little while to get around to posting this because it gave me a chance look through all of the pictures and relive the memories we made while we were there. 
The kiddos spent some time over the summer in Yemassee with my parents. They each had time alotted separately and together. I think someone is still claiming they got jipped a few days, but we lost count. We will try again next summer. 

Since they were there it gave me the opportunity to fly up to Ohio with Ryan and Hayden for a little visit with my future in laws. 

I love these two so much more than they'll ever know. 
It's so sweet when I get to see pieces of Ryan's personality highlighted in Hayden. They are so much alike. 
I think about my role in Hayden's life often. I'm so grateful that God chose me to be her future step-mother. 
I pray that I never over-step boundaries with her (or her mom); but that I can give her an example of a gentle, quiet spirit with a heart full of grace, love and beauty. 

We arrived in Ohio on a Thursday. I was so happy to see Ryan's mom and dad. I love them both and always look forward to seeing them. 
Being with people you can let your hair down and be yourself around is one of the greatest treasures. Not to mention the fact that I'm guaranteed several good belly-laugh's every time we are all together! 
We spent one day in Pittsburgh and I fell in love with that city!  
We went to Station Square then up to Mount Washington for dinner and to watch the sunset over the city. 
So gorgeous!
I snuck this sweet picture of Jan and Hayden on our walk to one of the overlooks☺️


The next pics are snapshots from different spots between Station Square and Mount Washington. 

This next pic is for my dad and my best friend! Heinz Field and a CSX train. 
This was the incline at station square. We took it up to one of the overlooks. It was super cool to see the city from that view. 

The sunset over the three rivers was breathtaking. 
When night ensued the lights from the buildings and bridges illuminated the entire city. It was beautiful. 
We took the boat out on the Ohio River the day before we had to leave. The weather was perfect. 
The water was a little chilly, but it didn't keep us out of it! 

When we got back from the river we quickly got spiffed up to meet up with two other couples who are basically like siblings to Ryan. Ryan had fun catching up. I had a blast laughing and sharing stories with new friends! In all seriousness, I genuinely wish we lived closer so we could hang out often. They were the best! 

It's always such a bummer when we have to leave. Hopefully we can drag his parents down here permanently, but until then we will look forward to every single visit to "The Buckeye State"!

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