Love for a lifetime

Love for a lifetime

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Sunflowers, lipgloss, and lipstick!

Yesterday my 'soul twin' took our kiddos and me to this gorgeous sunflower field! 
Lately, I've been making a point to really stop and take a minute to enjoy nature in its full display. As a mom, I want to set an example for my kids to value the balance of hard work and stopping to appreciate the world and nature around them. I want them to see, smell and really take in the handiwork of our creator; the one in whom we find peace, rest, and comfort. 

On the topic of hard work..
I am so excited to share with you all that my cousin's wife and my close friend Suryia is launching her own makeup line called 'Who's the Fairest Cosmetics'!
Suryia is a dreamer, a makeup artist based in the beautiful city of Charleston, S.C., and now a brand new business owner to her own line of lipsticks and glosses. She has worked relentlessly to make her dream a reality. I've never seen someone with as much love and passion for what they do and it shines through her work. 
Like Suryia, her company name and logo have flair and that something extra! 
This is her business logo: 

And her product with the logo:
So cute!
Whether your a mom on the go, or you fall into another category- these lippies are adorable!! 
I for one can't wait to sample this red!
Stay tuned because I will be sampling several colors and sharing them with you here on the blog! Who's the fairest cosmetics launches tomorrow at noon! Go check out Suryia's website to see more! Click on Menu, then click on Who's the Fairest Cosmetic's to view products and place your order!Happy shopping!!
Here is a sneak peek of a few of my favorite lipstick and lipgloss colors!

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