Love for a lifetime

Love for a lifetime

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Back to school and what really matters.

I can't believe school is already back in session!

We have been so blessed to have such amazing, caring teachers each year at Lucy T Davis.
My sweet kiddos were so excited about their first day back!
Look at those sweet faces!
Monday night Jude said he could make his own lunch now that he is a "big boy". Be still my heart.
Jude was a little anxious before they left Monday morning. I think the girls were just ready to see their friends. Either way...

I think this next picture proves everything went exceptionally well. 

When I was writing notes for these "three musketeer's" lunch boxes last night, I told them we are proud of them and I encouraged them to be a friend to someone today. Because...
Years from now, at the end of their school career,  it won't matter what they wore or how trendy they were. What will matter is how they treated others- that they were a picture of Christ for someone.

What will matter years from now is that every "today" for the next several years in our home, Jesus is in the details. 

What will matter is that I make my heart a home for Jesus so that grace and mercy overflow from my mouth when I'm shepherding the hearts of my children. 

In the book, a beautiful offering, Angela Thomas wrote:
"It matters where and how you build your house, because the life that you have built on Jesus is all that will stand. What you have done and created and loved in the name of Jesus is all that will last."

What I invest in and act on in the name of Jesus is a picture for my children. 

Making our home a welcoming place for friends to gather and encourage one another is a picture for my children. 

Making time to read the bible each night to one kiddo and the devotional book to the other two even though I can barely hold my eyes open is a picture for my children- An offering back to the lord for entrusting his children to me as their earthly mother. 

I don't know that I come close to getting motherhood, or life in general right any day of the week, but I do know motherhood is my biggest, most treasured gift in this season of life and life thereafter. Therefore, I will make it my greatest offering. It will be done in the name of Jesus. 

Their eternity depends on it. 


  1. What a great way for me to get to know your heart - beautifully said!

    1. Thank you, Charissa! I'm looking forward to getting to know you and your heart better with each gathering of our small group. I'm abundantly thankful for all of you ladies already!
