Love for a lifetime

Love for a lifetime

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Currently loving..

Tonight I watched Ellie Kate and her friend swim at our country club pool for the last  time before school starts back. This summer is almost officially over! How is this even possible?!
Last night was orientation at school for the kids and they start a brand new year THIS Monday! Can we please rewind?
I'm not sure I'm ready to take on 1st, 2nd, and 4th grade homework along with extracurricular activities. 
Instead of focusing on the umpteen million things I need to do, or looking ahead at the overwhelming schedule for this school year, I'm going to talk about my favorite beauty products! 
I took a hiatus from my Clarisonic Mia 2 for a while but started back since my skin is looking pretty rough from the summer sun exposure. I ended up getting the Radiance brush that is for skin brightening and I absolutely love it. 
I use it with fresh soy face cleanser.
My face feels so soft and hydrated after cleansing. I have the dryest, most sensitive skin ever. This cleanser leaves my face feeling squeaky clean, but never tight. It's also the only one I've tried (outside of pure oils) that doesn't leave a red splotchy rash on my face. I highly recommend this if you have sensitive skin. 
I'm also trying Shiseido white lucent brightening emulsion in the morning. It's perfect for hydrating but not leaving a greasy feel after. Plus, it has SPF in it!

I'm also in love with the Shiseido Benefiance wrinkle resist eye cream 

And the night cream. 

I immediately noticed a difference in my skin with these two products. They also smell so fresh and pretty. My 9 year old daughter informed me that Grammy (my age-defying Mother-in-law) has less wrinkles than I do, so I obviously went to her to find out what she uses. She told me about the eye cream and I have been hooked since. 

This one is actually for guys..

I love this product because it's great but I love what it's stands for even more. 
From the website-
 "The Mail Room Barber Co. was formed by Robert Watkins, a Master Barber in Florence, South Carolina, to create a platform to raise awareness for the fight against human trafficking and give support to a community of people who are dedicated to living life intentionally, making every effort to end social injustices around the world."

Rob is responsible for Jude's stylish undercut. He is super talented! 
I use the trail tin for Jude's hair daily. He loves it because it makes him smell like a "grown up".  I'm not going to lie..I love it for taming my crazy hair and ahem, may or may not use it daily too. We also love it because it's vegan/oil based/petroleum free. 

Check out the website for more products in the link above. 
*All sources are linked above. 

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