Love for a lifetime

Love for a lifetime

Friday, November 12, 2010

Dad-Always faithful


I can honestly say that I have been richly blessed by each of the men God chose for my family. I could go on and on about how wonderful they are and how each one has impacted my life in their own special way, but since today is Veterans Day, I figured I would tell you about my grandfather, MSgt. J.L. Goodwin.

As far back as I can remember, I have called him Dad. Probably because that’s what I heard my Mama and her sister call him, or maybe it was because I was with him so much I thought he was my Dad!(I’m just kidding if you happen to be reading this daddy.)

I really did spend a lot of time with him when I was younger. He let me go everywhere with him and it didn’t matter what it was for. When I was really young, I loved helping him in the garden. I had a special watering pale that he set aside just for me. Obviously I couldn’t water a huge garden with such a small pale, but it didn’t matter and I had no clue. I don’t think it would’ve mattered if he had set aside a paper cup for me to use, I just enjoyed hanging out with him. I still do.

We traveled a lot-most of the time to Hickory, N.C., where he is from. My favorite part of arriving, other than seeing his family, was going with him to check into the hotel. The hotel we all stayed in had a small jar of Jelly beans at the front desk. I wasn’t quite tall enough to reach them so he would always spoon out all my favorite colors and hand them to me. It was such a treat.
I’ll never forget the time he had to travel to Maine for work. He allowed Jenny, a friend of mine and me to go with him. (He probably regretted that after Jenny and I stayed up all night giggling ;)) He had to work during the day, but had his secretary's daughter gave us a tour of Callus and New Brunswick. We ate canadian pizza and bought t-shirts that said Callus, Me. on them. Then we visited historical markers in the area and even got to see a moose! It was probably the most memorable trip of my life!

He always did stuff that I enjoyed whether he enjoyed it or not. He took me ‘back to school’ shopping every year and even helped me pick my clothes out. I could go on and on about the time he spent with me as a child and the time I spend with him now, but I would never finish this blog. I just know that every moment that I have ever spent with him wasn't and isn't just “doing stuff”. He always had/has a story about his life in the Marine Corps or his job at Georgia Pacific to share, and he is contantly teaching me things that he has already learned through experience.

There are so many days when I’m reading certain bible verses that give examples of what a godly person looks like and it’s always a perfect illustration of Dad.  The thing I love about him is that he doesn’t go around building himself up to others. He simply lives out the integrity and the character that God illustrates throughout His word and leaves it at that. Here are a few verses that I think of when I think about him:
Proverbs 10:9 The man of integrity walks securely…
Proverbs 17:24 A discerning man keeps wisdom in view…
Proverbs 17:27 A man of knowledge uses words with restraint, and a man of understanding is even-tempered…

When I was younger I wanted to be just like him.  I have a long way to go, but I do see a little bit of him in myself every now and then. Like, the way I listen to things and ponder them when people don’t think I’m paying attention; The way I think about things a while before I act on them; The tough act I like to portray when deep down I’m a big “softy”, and most of all my faithfulness to my family. I don’t know of one occasion our family has ever come second with him. No matter what he is doing, he always makes sure his family’s needs are taken care of.

God places us here on earth, as parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents, to show our children an example of Him and to teach them on His behalf. I can honestly say that my Dad has always been faithful in doing that. So, as they say in the United States Marine Corps…"Simper Fi." It’s not just a motto- it’s a way of life. Happy Veterans Day, Dad!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Anger. A secondary emotion.......

I am so angry!!!! That’s exactly what I kept repeating to myself yesterday afternoon. I couldn’t scream it out loud, because that would not be setting a good example for the kids. The more I thought about what a couple of people said and did to me, the angrier I got. If you know me, you know that when I’m angry I clean like there’s no tomorrow. Oh, and the angrier I get, the faster I clean! (I’m sure it’s pure entertainment for those who witness this.)In all seriousness, cleaning really does help me stop and think things through. Needless to say, I cleaned alot yesterday and as I did, these are the thoughts that crossed my mind...... 
            I recently heard a broadcast by Chip Ingram. He was talking about how anger is a secondary emotion. He pointed out that our anger is often the result of an unmet need, or because we have been hurt. Well there you go. Both of those things had provoked my anger yesterday. So, problem solved right? No! Just because I knew the why didn’t help with the how. How I needed to deal with my anger.How I was planning on getting these two people to feel the same way they made me feel. Bad Idea! Remember how your Momma and Daddy would look at you with those raised eyebrows and say, “don’t even think you are about get away with that under this roof!”  That’s exactly what I felt God saying to me as that thought crossed my mind! Then this passage came to mind-Matthew 5:38-42, “You have heard it was said, an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. But I tell you, don’t resist an evildoer. On the contrary, if anyone slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also. As for the one who wants to sue you and take away your shirt, let him have your coat as well. And if anyone forces you to go one mile, go with him two. Give to the one who asks you, and don’t turn away from one who wants to borrow from you.”  It’s so wonderful to know that God is constantly dealing with the sinful ways in us.  It’s so great to know that the deeper our relationship with Christ, the more convictions He places in our heart. I have to admit that sometimes I wish I didn’t know better, because doing the right thing is so much harder! I guess it’s the whole “ignorance is bliss” mentality.
            Then I was thinking…It’s a known fact-The harder we run after God, the harder Satan runs after us.  He doesn’t want us working for God because he feels defeated. Personally, I would rather be used by God than by Satan. If I were to follow through with my sinful desire to get even, I would be working against God.
            Aside from the fact that I wanted to get even, since when did I become so perfect? Can someone say Prideful spirit! Last time I checked, Jesus was the only sinless person on earth. I’ve done more than my fair share of provoking someone to anger. John 8:7 says, “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.” Furthermore, I don’t need to be worrying about someone else’s sins. I need to be concerned with my own.  Matthew 7:3 says, “Why do you see the speck in your brother’s eye, but don’t notice the log that is in your own eye?” I think……No, I KNOW that God was reminding me that I needed to show some humility. I know because the last verse that came to mind was James 4:6, “God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.
            So, how did I handle those who provoked my anger? Well, I swallowed my pride and showed some humility!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Where I come from...

He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8

            It’s so easy to forget where we come from. We forget the things and/or people that had an impact on our lives. I think about some of the people who have taught me some very valuable things-the things that matter in the end.  Some of those people grew up poor but gained wealth later in life, some remained poor and struggled to put food on the table for their families. One thing I have noticed as I look back is that they may have been poor, but they were rich in faith and in their faithfulness to Christ. They were content. Benjamin Franklin said, “Content makes poor men rich; discontent makes rich men poor. Pretty accurate statement, huh?
 I grew up in the small town of Yemassee. I left for a while but somehow made it back. 
 Growing up in a small town never really bothered me. We traveled alot when I was younger, so I’m sure that helped.
 Even though I didn’t have any siblings, I had my cousin Travis (we did everything together) and a few of the friends we hung out with. We all had such an imagination and we always found stuff to do.( And by the way, they were all boys! You just take what you’re given in that aspect of living in a small town.) We always had fun. Good,clean fun! We were like the “Sandlot” gang. In fact, that was our favorite movie. Every chance we got, we would have my mom fix us some snacks and we would huddle up on the floor in front of the T.V. to watch it! We even had our own little baseball team like “The Sandlot”! I have such great memories of growing up here.
            Just like any other place you go, this town has its pros and cons. Sure it would be easier for me to live closer to a doctor’s office or grocery store and especially a mall! But, I enjoy the small town atmosphere. I love being somewhere I can stroll up and down the street with my children and know that at least three out of the five cars that pass us, are people we know. I like that I can smile and wave at them and that they will do the same in return. I also know that while it would be easier to live closer to the things I mentioned, God has placed us here for a purpose. He has revealed a few of his purposes for our being here, but I know that he hasn't revealed them all,otherwise we wouldn't still be here.   I’m glad that I can share a part of myself and my past with my children. 
Perhaps when they are older and have kids, they will visit this small town and be able to share a part of themselves.
            My main point is that it’s not about how big or small the town or city you are in.
It’s about growing where you're planted. Making your mark and doing what God has called you to do while you are there.
It's about the people He has placed in your life to teach you the things that matter and about the experiences that form your character.
You may end up leaving and moving on to bigger things, but always remember where you come from. 

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

This is my favorite season!

For everything there is a season, a time and a purpose for every activity under heaven.
Ecclesiastes 3:1
            I always get so excited when fall arrives! I absolutely love it! Fall is hands down, my favorite season. It’s so inviting, so warm and cozy. I love the many colors and the sharp scent of all those crisp leaves. (I also like fall because winter follows and Christmas is my favorite holiday!)
            I was listening to my Nicole Nordeman CD a few days ago and Ellie Kate noticed the song “Every Season”. She said, “Mom, I know those. The seasons!”(Except she thought the song was talking about her friend autumn until I explained that sometimes fall is referred to as autumn.) I told her that God designed each season to carry out a specific job to prepare for the next season. I explained that trees and plants go through a transformation each season. They have to get rid of the leaves and flowers they already have, so they can make new, more beautiful ones. I was also able to talk to her, in a way a child can understand, about how our life has seasons and that God teaches us things as we go through them but no matter what he is always there with us. He is preparing our hearts for the next season and by the end we have a new, more beautiful heart.
            There are so many season’s we go through in life. Some fly by and some seem to linger on and on…..and on! I can’t think of one that I’ve been through however, that God was not there with me; adolescence, a life, a death(or death’s), falling in love, college, marriage, a new job, moving, raising a family, and moving again!
            My present season has brought me to being a mommy to two wonderful children. Staying up late, waking up early. Taking care of my home and my loved one’s in it. Cleaning toilets and dirty diapers. Being spit-up on! Just the other day, a lady at church asked if she could hold Jude. “Of course”, I said without hesitation (I know her so I didn’t mind) I warned her that he smelled like spit-up because he has reflux and well, he had just spit-up. She smiled and said, “I don’t mind and don’t worry this smell only last for a season.” She couldn’t have put it any better! A season! That’s all it is. And before I know it, this season of motherhood will pass. All I will have to reflect upon are the sweet memories of them, and the wisdom given in those quiet moments with God in his word, while everyone was asleep. So as it is, in the seasons of life, the early stage of Motherhood- with all its funny smells, late nights and hard work. This is my favorite!