Love for a lifetime

Love for a lifetime

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Quotes, art, and a weekend recap!

Allow beauty to shatter you regularly. The loveliest people are
the ones who have been burnt and broken and torn at the seams,
yet still send their open hearts into the world to mend again,
and again, and again. ~Victoria Erickson
Lately, God has been teaching me new ways to embrace the beauty in things that are broken. 
Not to just see the beauty in things that are broken, but to let them shatter trust Him in the up's and down's, and to dive into those emotions and feel it all. 

Jesus offers so much beauty and sweetness in our moments of brokenness. He offers himself. 

"Jesus wants you to know that when you are broken, shivering, alone or afraid, with nothing left and nowhere to go, then you can turn in His direction and lay yourself at the foot of His love. Lay your broken offering on His alter. He will come and carry you into His presence. He will hold you with the warmth of His embrace and cover you with the blanket of His kingdom inheritance. God wants you to know that when everything else is gone, that makes more room for Him, and everytime there is more room for Him, you are blessed." - A Beautiful Offering
*I found this quote on

A college friend of mine had a huge announcement on her instagram yesterday that made me tear up with so much joy for her and her sweet little family. I don't get to speak to her often but there is a sweet connection that is offered through a friendship with a sister-in-christ like her. Even in the words that are unspoken you can hear and know- you can feel the silent, tender prayers. 
My season of life has shifted a little from what hers looks like right now but we are still in the season of raising little one's and trusting God in the unexpected things. My heart is so happy for her because I know the feeling of excitement she feels right now and I see God being so, so faithful to her family and blessing them abundantly.

In her words, "He is so the lowest low's and the highest high's." 

He is! And for that, I am so thankful.

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